Electricity Discounts Available to Limited Number

Southeastern Massachusetts can breathe a sigh of relief. In spite of electricity prices that are set to rise significantly, electric account holders have a great option to save thousands. How so? With SunRights™. Purchase a SunRight™ and over the next ten years you are guaranteed to save $2200. It’s that simple.

The savings show up right on your NSTAR bill as a credit. For only $5000 you can receive the value of $7200. Use an average or above average amount of electricity and you can buy multiple SunRights™. As a plus the bill credits come from clean energy right from your community. This offer won’t last forever as there are only a limited number of SunRights™ available.

To learn more click here. Additionally you can call 508-538-4-Sun or fill out your info here and we can follow-up.