You may have seen the headlines like the one above from the Cape Cod Times. NSTAR is raising rates. The reason, there isn’t enough pipeline capacity to send natural gas to major power plants in Massachusetts. Fortunately there are options that offer tremendous savings and are clean alternatives.
Southeastern Massachusetts residents and organizations are capturing big savings with the Sippican Community Solar Garden Cooperative. Members in the Cooperative are locking in the benefits of low-cost electricity with SunRights™.
First things first. What is a SunRight™? A SunRight™ costs $5000 and provides at least $7200 worth of credits to offset the member’s electric bills. Therefore, one SunRight™ saves a member $2200. These credits are produced by the Sippican Community Solar Garden project. The more electricity rates go up, the more SunRight™ holders save. Multiple SunRights™ are now available but the number is limited. Initial membership terms are 10 years.
Electricity prices are going up in the region and energy independence is increasingly important. With so many reasons to sign up, contact us by phone (508-538-4-Sun) or email today. After all, everyone needs electricity. Why not save on yours?