Where will they head the rest of this decade? and the next?
Just in the past year alone, National Grid and NSTAR raised electricity rates over 29%. By participating in the Sippican Community Solar Garden® Cooperative, members of the Cooperative see more direct savings on their electric bill as rates go up. That is because the value of the credits they receive goes up as well. For example, with NSTAR’s recent rate increase, if rates just stay at their current levels for ten years a SunRight™ holder could expect to receive $8,000 in credits on their utility bill over that period. That is $800 per year per SunRight™. This is greater than our original projections, and SunRight™ guarantee, of $7200 for the term of the membership. No wonder why electricity users in Southeastern Massachusetts are looking for options just like this to save on their electricity. Plus, the credits are from a local solar project.
Membership in the Sippican Community Solar Garden Cooperative Now Includes Participants From 16 Towns
Electricity users of all types are participating in the Sippican Community Solar Garden Cooperative. Business owners, retirees, second homeowners, young families, individuals, non-profits, and more. The Cooperative now has participants from 16 Towns including:
Plymouth; Yarmouth; Duxbury; Brewster; Dennis; Falmouth; Marion; Provincetown; Dartmouth; Chatham; Mashpee; Bourne; Wellfleet; Barnstable; Truro; and Eastham.
Anyone with an electric account in Southeastern Massachusetts NSTAR territory can participate. More and more are every week.
To see if you can join and to learn the benefits of the Sippican Community Solar Garden Cooperative, click on the following links:
Who Can Join? –
Member Benefits –
The number of spots available in the Cooperative and the enrollment period are limited, so contact us today. 508-538-4-Sun